Sunday, July 20, 2008


Yesterday me and my mom went shopping again for groceries and some more clothes.....then we picked up my dad from work, came home and ate, went swimming, went to sonic, then we went to the bluegrass concert that i worked at and after it was over we went to McAlisters with one group that sang and some people from our church and i got to talk to a 13, 15 and 17 year old and get to know them a little bit better. Then for church this morning they came to our church and sang and then left after the morning service to head some place else and sing and it was good to be able to meet them and talk to them....Tonight at our church we are having a fellowship. Then tomorrow we have teen court again and my sisters come home from their 4 day vacation so no more spoiling for better some more in everyone is have a great week


JONATHAN said...

Good to know you had a good week. :)

Rebekah said...

I hadn't been on here for awhile...had to back up and catch up again. Good to see that you had a great time! Teen court sounds exciting...I would *love* to get involved in something like that. How did you get involved?

TO BECOME said...

Dear Morgan, I sure missed you this past weekend. I know you had things that you needed to do but I just wanted you to know that you were very missed. love you, Granny