Sunday, July 13, 2008

Hey everyone,

I had a great time with my friend, She ended up staying friday and saturday night and her younger sister came on saturday too...I had lots of fun......My little sister Mackenzie is having one of her friends spend the night tonight so i am excited because this girl is so sweet and nice and i love hanging out with her......Well we had training for teen court yesterday it went well. Me and my friend Lauren found out that not tomorrow but the following monday we are having teen court again because the head person over teen court has a bunch of cases stacked up so now we have to defend a theft under $50 case now.....We are excited but we know she will get nailed to the ground(by that i mean she is going to get a big punishment).......Well i have to go finish cleaning this office(my moms) so i will talk to all y'all later


TO BECOME said...

I am glad that you and your friend had a good time and that Teen Court Practice went well. Good job! Have a great week. Granny.

Tell Mackenzie to have a wonderful time with her sweet friend also.