Sunday, August 3, 2008


Hey everyone hope all your weeks are going great. Well our Pastors daughter is spending the night tonight. I am babysitting the homeschool kids tomorrow, then we have teen court which I am very excited about and I hope everything turns out how I want it to, then we have out youth Bible study....So we have a pretty packed day tomorrow...Cant wait!!! Then Wednesday we will be heading to Illinois, we are leaving our house at 6p.m. right after Megan gets off work, driving half way since my Dad wont be with us and he doesnt want us to drive in the wee hours of the morning...we are staying the night so place in missiouri(sp) then getting up on Thursday and driving the rest of the way....My moms 2 brothers, her sister and one of her niece and nephews kids are for sure going the be at my grandparents house to see us....Well I will try and update again on Wednesday before we leave..Hope everyone has a GREAT week...Please pray for me, my mom and sisters as we travel and for my dad as he is working while we are gone...Thanks


Neesie said...

Wow. That is a busy day and week for you! Hope all goes well. :-)

TO BECOME said...

Sounds like you have all your time taken up for the next few days and beyond. Be safe going to your Grandpa and Grandma's house and have lots of fun. Tell everyone hello for Papa and me. We will be praying for your Mom and you girls until we know you are safe.

Did you hear we are having a tropical storm coming our way? So say a prayer for those of us here. love you, Granny

Morgan said...

Hey Neesie,

Yes it is going to be a very busy day and week.....Thanks...


Hey Granny,

Yes we do have all our time taken up...We are going to be very busy. Trust me we will have an awesome time like we always do....Everyone says hi back and they love you both. Thanks for the prayers and I will have someone call ya'll when we make it to their house, so you dont have to worry to long.

Yes I did hear about the tropical storm, we had STRONG winds here yesterday from it....Well I hope everyone there stays safe and has a GREAT week....I will be praying for all of you!

Luv ya,

JONATHAN said...

Sounds like you have a busy week.

TO BECOME said...

Morgan miss you and Mom and Megan and Mackenzie. Looking forward to hearing that you are all home safe. love you all, Granny

Theresa's Notes said...

Missing you, get home soon!

Love Aunt T.